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Subject: Welcome to Gayberry 96 Welcome to Gayberry � 96 Feel free to address any comments on this story to hoo. This is a work of fiction and is based on no real persons, living or dead. If you enjoy this or any of the wonderful stories here, I hope you will consider a donation to the Nifty Archive to keep the site going. It is a treasure!!! fty/ 96 Randy woke up early, before his alarm went off. He lay quietly for a few minutes, looking at the handsome buddies who shared his giant bed and reviewing the exhausting events of the previous day and evening. He was relieved that the warden would be taking Thor, Mr. Print, Mikayla Hunt and the prophet to Statesville prison during the morning and relieved that the prophetess Miriam was now safely ensconced in a cell at his former residence, which he was now beginning to think of as the women’s confinement center. He knew that the warden would also be bringing William’s pregnant wife, Judith, who was carrying the colonel’s baby. Mrs. Dykes, the wife of the mayor was also in a cell there. His Aunt Flea and Mrs. Bedford were currently sharing a cell, an arrangement which the sheriff was most uncomfortable with because there were so many gossips in town. He recalled running Sergeant Weatherly’s handsome nephew into the jail last night, lashing his bubble butt with a belt while William followed them in a car. The thought of the boy’s luscious round ass covered in dark, fine hair made his big dick twitch. Randy reached under the covers and fingered his meat for a minute before deciding to get up and hit the shower. Shortly after he got in the shower, he was joined by Arnold and William, who helped each other out by washing each other’s backs. “What time are you taking Sarge over to look at your house?” William asked Arnold. “We didn’t set a time” Arnold said. “My calendar isn’t full today, thank God, so we decided we’d just go after breakfast. That man almost knocked my head off when Doc and I came home last night. I love that he was being so protective of our boys.” “We heard about that” William said. “He almost got us too. I really like the guy. Wait till you meet his little asshole nephew! What a fucking piece of work! Randy got so fed up, he pulled the kid’s pants down and whipped him ass all the way from his old house to the courthouse while I followed very slowly in the car. That boy is bound to have a sore ass today.” “I hope the motherfucker ain’t able to sit down for a week” the sheriff said. “And a mighty fine ass it is. His uncle said the boy’s paw was from Greece. That boy’s got hair all over him and he ain’t even twenty years old yet.” “Do you think it will work out for him to take the house?” William asked. “I really think it will” Arnold said. “He was ready to sign up when he saw the pictures but I talked him into holding off till he got to really see the property. He seems like a really interesting, nice guy and I look forward to spending a little time with him this morning.” “Our boys seem to like him a lot” Randy said. “He told me and William all three of our boys fucked him in the ass last night and him and Billy Paul was goin’ at it w hen William and me peeked in on the boys to make sure they was all right. Apparently officers never let recruits put their dicks in `em and he was starved to try it.” “Lucky him” William said. “I’d let all three of those boys tear my hole up any fucking day they want it.” They all enjoyed a good laugh as they left the shower, dried off, and dressed for the day. “Any chance you both could make it to the Mayor’s Council meeting at lunchtime?” Randy asked. “The mayor provides two members and the sheriff provides two. My two members for the last several years have been Mrs. Bedford and Deputy Arney but I’ve submitted dismissals for both of them and I’d love to have the two of you replace them as my representatives on the council. I think things are about to get dicey, maybe even hostile as Howard Vague is fairly certain there’s some funny business going on with the town’s money.” “I’d be honored to do that” William said. “I don’t know how in the world Howard gets all the things done that he does. He’s one of the hardest working men I’ve ever seen. I’ve got him investigating the finances of all the fathers involved in the Rev. Smith atrocities and I know the governor and Abe leaned on him for some help in the prophet’s financial dealings.” “I think the man loves working” Arnold said. “He’s about as driven as anyone I’ve ever met and we had some real go-getters in the navy. ” “We need to make sure he finds some down time” the sheriff said. “He’s too damned important to this town to let him get totally exhausted. I know how much he loves manning the glory hole up at Folly’s. Is he finding time for that?” “Oh, I think he manages to find the time to squeeze that into his schedule” William chuckled. “He’s a brilliant fellow but he certainly has a few quirks. He’s always such a professional, even when he’s up at that service station sucking dicks. His tie is never crooked and there’s never a hair out of place. I’m meeting with him this morning to see if we have all the details nailed down on the Reverend Smith thing.” “I’m sure that Sarge and I will be done before lunch so I can meet you guys at the mayor’s office’ Arnold said. Randy, dressed in his clean, starched uniform, Arnold in a sport coat and button down shirt and William in an expensive gray suit with a baby blue silk necktie, all headed down to breakfast where they found their boys already enjoying breakfast with the doctor, Sonny, and Sarge. They learned that Mark and Jimmy had already taken off for the day, planning to hit the track before school and that Kurt, Rafe and Phillip had joined them for the exercise. “We already ran a mile and then exercised with Sarge” Billy Paul said. “I’m afraid I’m an early riser and not sure I’ll ever be able to break that habit” Sarge said. “I was trying to slip out quietly but the boys woke up and wanted to join me. I hope that was all right.” “It’s more than all right, Sarge” the sheriff said. “If I keep eatin’ all this wonderful food, I’ll have to be joinin’ you too.” “We ran and then exercised and then we all got our showers in the downstairs shower” Arnold said. “Then we went back to our room and we’re all dressed for school.” “How in the world did you boys manage to do that without waking us up?” William asked. “You usually make enough racket to wake the dead just getting your showers and dressed for school.” “Sarge says it’s impolite to wake others when they’re trying to sleep. He taught us to be silent until we’re out of an area where we could disturb others. It’s the way special forces do it.” “Sarge may have to stay here permanently” the doctor said. “I’ve been trying to teach that since I’ve been here with no success whatsoever.” They all enjoyed a good laugh as the boys cleared the table and went upstairs to wash up and get their things for school. “I have Sonny, Kurt, and Rafe heading over to the clinic to put final touches on things” the doctor said. “We are ready to open the clinic next week. The warden asked me to do a physical on the prisoners he’s taking to Statesville and he suggested I might want to do intake physicals at the women detained at your house. Sarge, I’d be glad to do a checkout on your nephew since he’s at the jail. I can get those done and then I’ll join the warden when he goes to the quarters to retrieve the prophet just before they leave for Statesville. He likes to make sure no prisoners are bringing anything nasty with them to the prison.” “Sounds like a full day” the sheriff said. “Me and David can help you out with all of that. I ain’t got nothin’ on my schedule till that damned mayor’s meetin’ at lunchtime. It’s about all I can do to even look at that fat fuck these days. I’m ninety nine per cent sure he’s stealin’ from the town funds, he’s shacked up with Mike Hunt’s old slutty wife and engaged to her and his daughter and her young friend are whorin’ all around town. And that doesn’t even mention his dear friendship with that fuckin’ dirty preacher Smucker and his music man down at the church. It’s about time for a house cleanin’ in Gayberry.” “We did some major house cleaning getting that prophet’s little nest of vipers cleaned up” William said. “I know it threw us behind on some things we’re handling locally, but we played a part in something that may very well have saved our country. And our governor is getting all kinds of attention on the national news for his part in it. He’s even being mentioned as the next president.” “According to Abe, he wants no part of that” Arnold said. “Look at how they’re trying to tear down our new, young president. All that talk about how he’s fucking all those Hollywood women. Abe says Jeremy wants no part of that but that he and the new president are awfully good friends. The governor’s goal is to do right by North Carolina.” “And our own Mayor Fatfuck thinks he’s going to beat out our governor when he runs against him” William said. .”What a deluded motherfucker!” “We know that but ever’body in the state don’t have no idea what a fool the man is” the sheriff said. “He could put up a fight, especially since he’s willin’ to play as dirty as it takes to get his way. I feel really bad now for assistin’ the man in getting that colonel to knock up his wife. Now she’s out of his house and carryin’ a baby she don’t want no part of. Her maw and paw says she can come home to them and her two younger children but she can’t bring a newborn with her. Can’t much blame them for that.” “She’s already signed away all rights to the baby for her part” Arnold said. “I have those papers in my briefcase. The trick will be getting the mayor to sign away his rights.” “I can’t imagine that uppity bitch he’s plannin’ to marry wantin’ somebody else’s child to take care of” the sheriff said. “Seems to me she’s more a sister to the mayor’s slutty little daughter than a momma. I don’t see her changin’ shitty diapers, not with her fancy manicures and fancy clothes and hairdos.” “You may be right” William said. “We need to work that angle and find a good home for that child. We were complicit in its creation. I think we have some responsibility.” “Randy, couldn’t you take the child?” Arnold asked. “You have experience raising a child as a single father and you’ve done a great job with Dopie.” “Oh no,” the sheriff said. “I’ve always said I’d love to have a house full and now we kind of have that. But I’m way too busy takin’ care of my sheriffin’ duties to take that on. ” “I’m sure we can find a good situation for the child if we can get the mayor to sign away his rights” Arnold said as the young boys came down the stairs, all spiffy and ready for school. As they entered the room, Sarge stood and, in his best drill sergeant voice said, “Ten-hut!” The boys quickly stood at attention and saluted the sergeant before the whole crowd broke into laughter and the boys went and gave their fathers hugs. “We need you around here for a while!” the doctor chuckled. “You’re already whipping these lads into shape. I could turn you loose on my whole afternoon study group.” “Seriously, Sarge, I hope you will plan to stay with us for a while” the sheriff said. “Even if you and Arnold work things out on his house, some renovations are bound to be necessary before you can use the house for your intended purpose. We will have room for Toby at the main jell or, if worse came to worse, he could be held again over at the women’s cells or even at the quarters. I know our boys want you to be our guest and we’d really like that too.” “How could I turn down such an invitation, sheriff?” Sarge asked. “All of you, including your boys, have made me feel more welcome here than I have ever felt anywhere. Thank you so much and I’d love to stay here while we get ready for my next chapter.” The boys were elated, all wanting hugs from Sarge and from the other men. It was decided Arnold and Sarge would drop the boys at school, William would take his own car to the office and the doctor would drive Randy, Sonny, and himself. Kurt and Rafe would be heading to the clinic when they finished their workouts. “Sonny, are you sure you’re ready to deal with all of this?” William asked. “You know that Mr. Hunt was involved in your incident at that church house and, when we head over to pick up the prophet, you are very likely to see old Preacher Smith and his brother.” “Yes, sir, I do know” Sonny said. “The doctor and I have spent hours discussing what happened and I have even been seeing and talking to a therapist Doc recommended. I’m at peace with all the things that happened to me now. I really am. Even the time I spent living all alone in that big garage. Doc has helped me come to terms with all of it. I know who I am now. I’m going to be running the clinic for Doc and I do feel I’m ready. I promised Doc that if anything starts to effect me, I’ll let him know immediately and take myself out of any difficult or traumatic situations.” They all hugged the handsome boy, who had been the oldest of the boys mutilated by the preacher and his gang. The doctor couldn’t have seemed any prouder if Sonny had been the fruit of his own loins. When the doctor, Sonny, and Randy arrived at the courthouse, the prisoners had already finished their breakfast from the diner and the trays had been cleared. They were greeted by the warden, who seemed to be in an excellent mood. “That’s quite a smile on your face, warden” the sheriff said as the two men embraced warmly. “Any man would smile after an entire night in bed with that deputy of yours” the warden said quietly. “He’s an exceptional young man and an exceptional lover. His father taught him well. I’d take him back to Statesville with me in a heartbeat.” “Don’t even think about it, Eamon, unless you want me to challenge you to a duel” the sheriff said. “I think the best solution is for you to plan to spend more time in our fair town. We’d love to have you as a frequent guest or even as a resident. There’s always space in that ungodly monster of a house we live in.” “I appreciate that and I likely will plan to spend more time here since we have the satellite cell at your former residence” Eamon said. “I am hearing a rumor that you might also be establishing a halfway house in these parts as well. That is definitely the trend in incarceration right now, especially for younger prisoners. It is certainly a setting which lends itself to rehabilitation much more than the massive prisons we’ve built in this country.” The sheriff explained about Sarge’s arrival in town and his situation with his nephew. “I would love to be of help” Eamon said. “I’d love to meet this Sarge guy. There are massive amounts of funding for this type of project and I have a great deal discretion on where and how the majority of it is spent. I hope you will introduce us.” “He will be here before noon” the sheriff said. “If you have already left with the prisoners, it is my understanding you are coming back tomorrow to bring William’s wife to join out little group of cunts in my basement.” David came from the back, escorting a freshly showered Mr. Print, with only a towel at his waist. Randy noticed a bandage mersin escort on his left cheek. “Was that bandage on him when he got here?” the sheriff asked. “No, sir” David said. “That happened last night. I’m afraid that Toby and Mr. Print had a round before they went to sleep. We had elected to put those two in the cell together because we knew Mikayla would be hitting on Mr. Print and most certainly on Toby all night. But apparently Toby started making fun of Mr. Print’s cut cock when he saw him peeing. Things went downhill from there. Toby threw some punches and bit Mr. Print right on the face. He’s a problematic little shit.” “I’m sorry you had to deal with him” the sheriff said. “It wasn’t a problem after the fight” David said. “We just cuffed his hands behind him and taped his mouth. We contemplated teaching him a lesson but we both decided that wouldn’t be appropriate as we didn’t have his uncle’s permission to discipline the boy. But he’s got a foul mouth on him and he has no limits as to what he’ll say.” “I know the Sarge wouldn’t have minded you guys disciplining him” Randy said. “He’s asked for us all to help him. He knows the boy is a major problem and I think he’s questioning his own decision to handle this. He could easily have said `no’ to his sister and to the judge but he chose to take it on. He’s really quite a guy and he has all our boys already worshipping him. He’s very good with them and also very protective of them.” “What more could you ask from a friend?” David asked. Sonny and the doctor were already in the cell with Thor and Mikayla. Thor seemed to have much more energy than he had during the last part of his stay at the quarters. He had barely spoken for days and there were times Randy expected to find him dead but now he had perked p considerably. Sonny had not seen Mikayla, who was previously Mr. Michael Hunt, a man who had been heavily involved with Preacher Smith and had been instrumental in the torture of the boys. Sonny showed no expression now that he was inside the cell with Mikayla, not even surprise at the transition to a female appearance. “Thor, let’s start with you” the doctor said. “You’ve definitely lost some weight during your incarceration but that is a good thing. You had gotten quite heavy before that happened. Is your urine tube functioning?” “Yes, doctor, it functions fine if it’s just drained like it’s supposed to be. They just drained it completely this morning. I feel better than I’ve felt in a while. There were times over there I thought my bladder was about to explode and I knew I was a goner. When all that shit’s drained, I don’t feel half bad. And sleepin’ on a cot instead of having my arms chained up over my head was amazing. I really feel like a new man. I just wish y’all would take me back to that place and give me ten fuckin’ minutes alone with that P.T. Sligh motherfucker. I did everything that man wanted for twenty years. I protected him, I killed for him. I mean everything! And then they took my nuts and my pecker for tryin to, kill his son in law and his grandsons just like he ordered me too. Then when we was all locked up, all he could do was to tell me to stop my fuckin’ bitchin and suggest they shut me up with a knife to the heart. That piece of shit son of a bitch! He owes me his life but he ain’t got an ounce of gratitude in him. I’d wring his fuckin’ neck for free. I kept hopin’ I’d at least get to hear the son of a bitch scream as they cut his nuts off but I didn’t even get that goddamned satisfaction.” “Thor, don’t get too comfortable or too cocky” the warden said. “We know you tried to kill William Walker and his two sons. It doesn’t matter who you were doing it for. You are responsible. I don’t want you at my prison in Statesville. When we arrive there, you’ll be met by the warden of Angola Prison down in Louisiana. It’s probably the meanest fucking prison in the country. It’s in the middle of swamp country, hot as hell and twice as ugly. They have mosquitoes the size of hummingbirds. You’ll be fed nothing but gruel and you’ll be waked up at four in the mornin’ and marched to the quarry where you’ll bust rocks and haul them in wheelbarrows to a pit about two hundred yards away. You’ll do nothing but that from morning until the sun goes down. If you aren’t working there will be guards with leather whips just eager to tear the flesh off of your bones. Then you’ll be hosed down and allowed to sleep on a rock floor till time to wake up and start all over. It’s the worst life I could imagine for anybody. You’ve earned it.” “Please, warden, let me stay at Statesville” Thor begged. “I’ve got a lot of friends there. I’ll be the perfect prisoner. Please don’t send me to hell.” “I don’t want to have to deal with your bullshit” the warden said. “You’ve earned your spot in hell and you’ll get it. I hear some of the guards like to play with a muscle bound type like yourself. But nobody is gonna want to even get close to some muscle bound man who doesn’t even have a pecker. I will be surprised if you last a week down there and I won’t feel a bit sorry after what you tried to do.” “David, will you cuff Thor with his hands behind him?” the doctor asked politely. “He might not much like a couple of portions of his physical exam.” David cuffed the muscled giant’s hands and then, instead of doing his hands at his back, he extended his hands over his head and cuffed them to an overhead rail. “That’s even better as I’ll be doing a rectal examination our prisoner” the doctor said. “You keep your fuckin’ hands off my ass, you cocksucker!” Thor shouted, suddenly riled and wild-eyed. “No man touches my ass without ending up dead!” “Your blood pressure, pulse, temperature and other indicators look amazingly fine but a prostate exam is essential as an enlarged prostate could be indicative of prostate cancer.” “Who gives a fuck about that shit?” Thor screamed. “This nigger just told me I’ll be dead in a week or two at most. Who gives a fuck about my asshole having cancer?” “I intend to do this examination” the doctor said a quietly and with a smile. “Doctor, do you think you might allow me to do that procedure?” Sonny asked. “You have shown me how and I’d like to practice what you taught me, sir.” “Of course, Sonny” Doc said. “I should have thought of that. Just get those gloves on and I’ll get the lube out of my bag.” “You better not lay a goddamned hand on me, you sick motherfucker!” Thor screamed at the boy, who appeared to have no reaction to the outburst. “Oh fuck not! None of you better get near my fucking hole. I’ll tear your motherfuckin’ hearts out and feed them to you. I swear before Almighty God, I’ll kill every motherfucking one of you cocksuckers if you touch my hole.” Thor had no control with his hands extended over his head. His attempts to kick the men around him were useless as David and the sheriff each had one of his legs and held them firmly to the floor, his legs now spread. “Are you sure you want to do this, Sonny?” the doctor asked. “Isn’t this the man who tried to kill my friend William and his two sweet sons?”” the handsome boy asked. “Yes, Sonny, it is” the doctor answered. “Then I’m sure I want to do this” Sonny said calmly and quietly as he put gloves on both his hands and coated them with lubricant. “I’ve known bullies like him before. My own father was like this. He doesn’t frighten me anymore.” The handsome boy knelt behind the bound muscle man and inserted his lubed index finger all the way into the screaming, struggling man. “Get your motherfucking finger out of me, you little prick!” Thor shouted, unable to get away from the invading digit. Sonny wiggled his finger around inside the screaming man, reporting he wasn’t feeling the prostate gland. Doc then suggested he insert a second finger and the boy added his long finger to the one already inside him as Thor struggled harder and screamed louder. “If you’ll be still, you can make this easier, sir” Sonny said respectfully. “All the wiggling is making the exam more difficult. “He is making it difficult” the doctor said. “I think you should give him another finger and then another till the asshole calms down. His prostate is likely hard to find since he no longer has testicles or a penis. Once there is no need for an organ, it tends to wither away from disuse.” “Yes, sir” Sonny said as the doctor smiled and winked at him. All the men knew that the doctor had just given the boy some kind of permission. Sonny now coated his entire gloved hand with the lubricant and inserted all five of his fingers into the wildly bucking and screaming man. “One of your partners in crime who was also captured confessed to us that you loved nothing more than shoving your fist into young boys and girls you were kidnapping and trafficking” the doctor stated. “William asked that we give you just a little taste of what you did to those babies. Go ahead, Sonny. Give him your whole fist, son.” Sonny inserted his entire fist into the man who was now screaming at the top of his lungs. “That’s it, Sonny, you can push in a little farther and then open your fist inside him” the doctor said. “He used to do this to children without even using any lubricant. He is reported to have laughed harder as the children screamed louder. Don’t spare him.” After several minutes of the handsome boy inserting, removing and reinserting his fist into the man, Thor passed out. Sonny removed his fist and removed his glove, discarding it into the waste can. “That was excellent, Sonny” the doctor said. “Would you like to do the prostate part of the exam on Mr. Print?” “I don’t think that would be ethical, doctor” the young man said. “I have remembered who that man is now. He ran the hotel in Gayberry and he used to bring his car to my dad’s garage. I recall now that he visited with Preacher Smith several times and participated in the things they did to me. I also am sure that on the night my own father took me to that church in the woods, Mr. Print was there. As a matter of fact, I am certain it was that man who was shining the flashlight in my face and screaming that he had found me after I escaped naked from the altar table where they were trying to hold me down to circumcise me. I’m not sure it would be ethical for me to do that, doctor.” “I think that shows a remarkable maturity in you, son” the doctor said. “I think it also shows that you have managed to rehabilitate yourself and have achieved a level of self control even I didn’t realize.” The doctor embraced the boy warmly as Thor was uncuffed from the overhead rail and laid onto a cot in the cell, his hands again cuffed behind him. “I think we’ll skip Mr. Print for now and move on to Mikayla, also known as Mr. Michael Hunt. I’ll do a quick examination of Mikayla, as she prefers to be called” the doctor said. “I believe it is apparent that Mikayla is in good health. She seems to have thrived in this environment and has started to exhibit feminine characteristics since the removal of her testicles. The warden has recommended her for surgery to build her a vagina and reshape her penis as a clitoris, which will essentially transform her to a female. Mikayla, would you mind removing your clothes, please?” “In front of all these people? Mikayla asked “I’m not really comfortable doing that.” “I don’t believe your son, Philip was comfortable when you held him down on that altar and let that preacher cut the end of his pecker off either” Sonny said. “I don’t understand why you think you deserve any respect from anyone after the way you treated your own flesh and blood. In case you don’t know it, your son despises you and his mother and never wants to lay eyes on either of you. The doctor urged him to come here to see you before your transfer today. He absolutely refuses to even consider that. You are dead as far as he is concerned and nothing you do will ever change that. I can understand it because I came to feel the very same way about my own father before he succumbed to cancer. Philip is a bright beautiful boy and he wants nothing to do with you again. Ever.” “Shut your mouth, boy!” Mikayla said hatefully. “I could suck your dick and turn you inside out, you little smartassed motherfucker! I wanted some of that young stud in that other cell but that asshole Deputy and that nigger put me in the cell with this worthless, cockless old muscled asshole. He doesn’t even have a fucking dick and that’s what they put in my cell. At least just show me your cock. I really want to see it and if you want it sucked, I’ll do it. I’ll do anything you want me to if you’ll just show it to me and let me touch it.” “I can certainly understand why you own son wants nothing to do with you” Sonny said as he walked out of the cell, leaving the doctor with her. “Now get those clothes and everything off” the doctor ordered. “That means the wig and jewelry too. Everything.” The prisoner appeared very feminine with the short blonde wig, plenty of makeup and large jewelry. As Michaela began to take all that off, the fa�ade of womanhood went with it. The head had been shaven but was now beginning to grow out, leaving a messy, spiky, patchy appearance. When she took off the expensive-looking blouse and fancy bra, she still had a very hairy chest, which appeared ludicrous with all the makeup. Then she removed her pantyhose, revealing hairy legs which had not recently been shaven and eventually she removed her panties, exposing her soft, shrunken cock and a smooth patch of pink skin that had once been her testicle sack. The doctor checked her pulse, blood pressure, and temperature, reporting all as normal. He then slid back the foreskin on the shrunken penis. There was absolutely no reaction from Mikayla as the penis was manipulated, except horror that she had been totally exposed as some freak neither male nor female. The doctor gloved, lubricated and inserted his index finger into her hairy hole, reporting that her prostate had shrunken to the point of barely being present, not an unusual finding, given the removal of her testicles. “It’s a good thing you didn’t put me in the cell with that goddamned nasty freak” young Toby shouted. “I’d have choked that thing if she’d tried to lay a fucking hand on me. I think you’re all a bunch of freaks, homos and faggots in this fucking town. My uncle brought me here because he’s just like all of you! A fucking freak is what he is.” Mikayla was starting to get dressed but the sheriff told her not to bother as David would be escorting her to the back room for a shower. She glared at him for making her walk in her embarrassing state but the sheriff paid no attention. It was now Mr. Print’s turn for an examination, which the doctor accomplished without incident. All of his vitals signs and blood pressure were reported as within normal limits. He cursed loudly when the dressing on his cheek was changed and alcohol applied which burned badly. He also began to complain when the doctor removed the gauze from the site of his circumcision, which continued to ooze, due to his repeatedly having been stimulated to erection. “That cut cock of yours will be the last concern once you get to Statesville, Mr. Print” the warden said. “My only decision is whether escort mersin to put you or the prophet in the hell cell first. Whichever I decide, the one of you who goes second will be forced to watch what happens to the first. None of those rapists and murderers have been allowed to even touch their own cocks for days. They’ll tear your asses apart and they’ll fight to see who goes first. You’ll both be lucky if there’s a nipple, a nut, or a cock left on either of you after twenty four hours with those fucking monsters. Even if you survive, you and your asshole are going to wish you were dead.” Mr. Print began to cry quietly as he was allowed to lie back on his cot, his back turned to the others. The sheriff was bringing Mikayla back from her shower. He was irked at her for her earlier outburst and he refused to let her wrap herself in a towel, forcing her to walk back to the cell totally naked, her soft dick and hairy tits exposed. Toby began to laugh at her bizarre appearance. “At least I didn’t get stuck in the cell with a goddamned freak like you” he said. “I know you’d have loved some of this nice Greek meat I got between my legs. All the bitches love it and plenty of guys have tried to get it but only got their asses whipped for trying. I don’t put up with any of that faggot shit which is something my uncle’s gonna have to learn real fast when I beat his ass. I know he always had eyes for my dad. I saw his little squinty fucking eyes looking at him any time he came to visit. He wanted some of that Greek cock just like he wants mine. I can see it in his beady fucking eyes. Motherfucker better not lay a fucking hand on me. I know my momma will be here cause she’s looking for me. She didn’t want to let my uncle take me away but that goddamned judge said she had to. I don’t have to do shit that he says ever and he better not put a hand on me!” “Why don’t you just shut the fuck up, you little turd?” Randy asked the boy. “If you don’t shut the fuck up, I will wrap your whole fucking head in duct tape and hope you fucking smother. I don’t think your uncle would have a problem with that. It would free him to enjoy his life instead of putting up with your crazy bullshit. He says it was your criminal ass that killed your father, causing him to fucking stroke! And then you broke your own mother’s arm with a fucking baseball bat.” “You don’t know shit, sheriff faggot!” the boy yelled at Randy. “Don’t you say a word about my fucking family. My mother was too fucking stupid to know my dad was fucking around on her for years. Yeah, that’s right. I caught the son of a bitch fucking an underage girl in his office one day and I had him around my little finger from that day on. Anytime he said he wouldn’t help me out of my scrapes with the law, I threatened to tell my mother about his inability to control his thick Greek meat, and he’d start writing the checks. He’d get mad as hell and threaten but he always ended up writing the checks to shut me the fuck up. If he was still here, my uncle wouldn’t have been able to pull his bullshit off with one of his faggot friends from the fucking pussy assed marine corps. I bet him and that judge was fuck buddies the whole time they were supposedly serving our country.” “Not another word, boy, or I will beat that ass again” the sheriff said. “You’re going to shut up, stand up, and let our doctor examine you. I promise you one more word and I will tear that ass up! Now get those motherfucking clothes off and get them off fast!” “I’ll take off everything but my underwear” Toby said. “I’ll keep those on cause I don’t trust your faggot doctor, your faggot sheriff or any of you other motherfucking faggots in this faggot town!” Sonny went for the boy, but the doctor grabbed him and calmed him down. “I can conduct an examination with the boy in his briefs” the doctor said. “I am sure things will change when the boy’s uncle arrives but I think it’s best until then that we take no actions. Sonny, would you mind running over to the drug store and getting a large tube of lubricant? We seem to be running low around here.” “Yes, sir, Doc, and I’m sorry about my outburst” the boy said. “You and the sheriff and all the men of this town have been too good to me for me to let some out of towner thug say those things about you.” “I understand, Sonny, and it’s okay. No harm done. I appreciate your willingness to take up for us.” The doctor gave the boy a kiss on the cheek and he left for the drug store. “I saw you kiss that boy, faggot” Toby said. “It’s worse here than in Boston. You faggots ain’t even ashamed of the nasty shit y’all do. At least in Boston, faggots still pretend to be men.” At that point the sheriff walked over to the cell with a thick leather strap in his hand. “Boy, I had a talk with your uncle last night and he gave us permission to discipline you as we see fit” the sheriff said. “I intend to do that and to help the man out any way I can. If you think that little leather belt hurt your butt last night, just wait till you feel this fuckin’ leather strap on it. Now I suggest you shut your fuckin’ mouth and let the doctor get his work done. We have other things to attend to in this town” Mikayla had recovered a bit and was now watching the doctor examine the handsome young stranger intently. “You should’ve put that one in my cell last night instead of that dickless wonder” she said. “I could’ve made that boy real happy.” “If you laid a finger on me, I’d break both of your fucking arms” Toby shouted at her. “Such a big man aren’t you, boy?” the doctor asked. “You apparently enjoy breaking women’s arms from what we hear. You certainly were quick to break your own mother’s arm.” “Boy, you better think real hard before you open your mouth right now” the sheriff warned. Toby looked furious but he kept his mouth shut standing naked except for his white jockey briefs in front of the doctor with the sheriff and his leather strap within feet of them. Sonny returned from the pharmacy, his face red as fire and looking visibly upset. “Sonny, what’s wrong? Are you all right?” the sheriff asked. “No, sir, I don’t think so” the boy said, breathing fast. “It was that lady druggist.” “What happened son?” the sheriff said. “Sit down here and tell me what has you so upset. What has that crazy bitch done now?” “Well, I went in and asked for a large tube of lubricant like the doctor needed” Sonny explained. “She came out from behind the counter and asked what a big, handsome boy like me was needing lubricant for. She asked me if I was about to get some tight teen pussy and asked if I needed rubbers to go with it. I never heard a lady talk that way. I was shocked and then she started rubbing her hands all over me. She even unbuttoned her blouse and tried to put my hand on her titties. She started rubbing my pants where my dick is and I just ran out of there as fast as I could. I’m sorry I didn’t get the lubricant. I just didn’t know what to do.” The sheriff gave the boy a hug and told him not to be upset. He had David get the boy a glass of water and Sonny asked if he could go into the cell with the doctor. The boy calmed immediately when he was close to Doc and Randy headed out to the drugstore. There was no one in the store except Nellie who was behind the counter. “You indecent, ungodly whoring cunt!” the sheriff yelled at her. “You are incapable of any decency at all. Don’t you realize the boy we sent over here for that product is still a teen-ager? He’s years younger than you yet you felt it was all right to try to fuck him right here in the middle of the day in a store where customers could’ve walked right in. Who the fuck are you? I thought at one time you were a decent girl from a good family. But then I began to realize you were none of those things when you set my deputy up and accused him of rape after fucking a virtual stranger in the shower in a high school dressing room. This behavior is unacceptable. If that boy were one year younger, I’d be hauling your ass off to jail with them other bitches I got at my old house!” “Simmer down, sheriff honey” the woman said cattily. “Could it be you’re jealous because I might’ve flirted a little bit with that handsome young stud? What does a girl have to do to get laid in this shit hole of a town? Seems like we got a shortage of real men in Gayberry. But certainly no shortage of faggots and homos. We do have a mayor who seems to know how to keep his woman happy and fortunately we have a few cops over in Mount Pilot who don’t mind driving a few miles for some good pussy. I’m thinking all of the men in this town are a bunch of faggots. And I’m really enjoying fucking now that I don’t have to use any rubbers or anything else. I got a bun in the oven so I can fuck anybody I want without worrying about getting knocked up. I’m thinking when I really start showing that baby bump, I’ll get it taken care of but for now I’m enjoying getting laid without worrying about anything. And yeah, I fucked as stranger in that shower and he knocked me up. And yeah, I blamed it on your worthless deputy who was an easy mark. I’m taking that dimwit for every penny I can and that piece of shit has never laid a hand on me. Yet he’s stupid enough to think he fucked me. And there’s not a goddamned thing you can do about any of it, sheriff cause I’ve got my uncle wrapped around my little finger and he believes every word I tell him. I’m probably going to keep the baby, by the way. I was just kidding about getting rid of it. It’ll be like having a real live doll and if the kid is anywhere near as good looking as it’s father, it’ll be a cute one. And your worthless former deputy will pay for everything. Every fucking thing. Now why don’t you take this large tube of lubricant back to the jail since the pussyboy you sent to get it was too scared to look at a woman’s titty. I’m not even going to charge you for it. You can use it to fuck all your friends who have no interest in a real live pussy. And you can tell my ancient uncle anything you want cause he’ll never believe a word you say. I’m the apple of his eye and he’ll always take my word over anybody else’s. He’s a stupid, ignorant, prudish old man and a fool but he’s my goddamned fool!” Randy stomped out of the building, mad as hell. He stopped on the sidewalk and lit up a cigarette, trying to calm down before he went back in the court house. Nellie had thrown a large tube of lubricant at him as he left so he picked it up and put it into his pocket. He was totally fed up with the young woman and her attitude and her lies. He resolved to have a talk with her uncle at his earliest convenience. Once he calmed down, he finished his smoke and went back into the courthouse. When he got back in, the doctor had finished taking the temperature, blood pressure and respirations for Tobias. The handsome boy was standing in front of the doctor in his tight white jockey briefs. “Don’t them briefs need to come off for you to finish your exam, Doc?” the sheriff asked. “It would certainly permit me to be more thorough, but the boy has declined doing that and we decided to wait for his uncle instead of forcing the issue.” “Force the fucking issue” the sheriff said. “His uncle gave me permission to do as I think necessary with this little hoodlum and I think it’s necessary for him to get them motherfucking shorts off right fucking now!” Sonny was having difficulty suppressing his giggles and the warden and David were laughing out loud at the boy. Tobias was now angry as the sheriff approached him with the wide leather strap he had retrieved from his desk. “Get them drawers off, boy, right goddamned now!” the sheriff commanded. “I won’t be asking again.” “Fuck you, faggot!” Tobias said snottily. “I ain’t getting naked so a roomful of faggots can look at me and probably jack off thinking about my big dick. I know I look good. I’ve been beating the shit out of faggots since I started getting pubes when I was just ten. I ain’t let one touch me yet without them paying big bucks and then getting the shit beat out of them. I don’t intend to start now either. So you can just shove it up your faggot ass, sheriff!” Everyone in the room knew the boy had now gone too far and the sheriff would not tolerate that kind of behavior. “Sonny, would you mind helpin’ me out by puttin’ that boy over your knees so I can get at that hairy little ass with my strap?” the sheriff asked. “No, sir, sheriff” the boy answered. “I’ll be glad to help you out any way I can.” Sonny stood and grabbed the boy, manhandling the much shorter Tobias and in one move had the boy across his knees and waiting for the sheriff to give him further orders. “Get your faggot hands off me, you son of a bitch!” Tobias yelled, struggling against the boy but losing. Sonny handled him easily with a smile on his face. “You ain’t no older than I am! How’d you learn to be a faggot at your age? Now get your motherfucking hands off of me or you’ll pay.” “I’m just doing what my sheriff tells me to do, Tobias” Sonny said calmly as he held the boy over his knees. “Good job, Sonny” the sheriff said. “Now hold on to him while I get them underwears off of him.” The sheriff grabbed the waistband of the jockey shorts and, in one move, tore them off the boy, exposing his white bubble butt, covered in soft, dark black hairs. “This little hoodlum ain’t got no idea what’s in store for his cute little hairy butthole” Randy chuckled as he pulled the underwear completely off the boy, leaving him naked. Then Randy straightened up and gave the boy a swat with the thick leather strap, causing him to scream. Tobias was in pain and further angered by the fact all the others were now laughing at him, including Mikayla, who was enjoying the sight of the handsome naked boy being manhandled. Randy gave him four more swats with the strap, each evoking loud screams from the boy whose ass was now turning red. “Doctor, I was recently told that a rectal temperature is much more accurate than an oral one” the sheriff said. “Is that true and do you have a rectal thermometer or do I need to go back to the drug store?” “I much prefer a rectal temperature because it tends to be much more accurate. I have a rectal thermometer right here in my bag.” The doctor produced a rectal thermometer from his big black medical bag and Tobias started protesting. “You’ll regret it if you try to put anything in my butt. Nothing’s ever been in that hole” the boy said angrily. “That hole is one way only and it’s an exit.” “Not anymore, you little asshole” the sheriff chuckled. “We had planned just a quick little medical checkup but you chose to turn this into something else. You have nobody but yourself to blame for this just like everything else your uncle has told me about. You will learn the lessons while you’re here or you will end up spending the rest of your miserable fucking life in prison. This is your last fucking chance and you’ve sure fucked up today. Sonny, will you spread those cheeks so the doctor can find that hole?” “Yes sir” Sonny answered with a smile, managing to hold the boy down with one of his strong arms while using the other to spread the boy’s hairy cheeks, revealing a beautiful pink hole, surrounded by dark mersin escort bayan black hairs. “Doctor, isn’t this cell a little cramped? We might have more space if we finish the exam on the sheriff’s big desk.” “That’s an excellent idea, son” the doctor said. Sonny assisted the naked teen to his feet and led him over to the desk in the center of the room. Sonny kept one of his muscled arms in a tight grip on Tobias’ arm as he held him to the desk. “That was a great idea you had” the doctor said. “Now, Tobias, I need you to bend over the desk so I can insert this thermometer into your anus” “The fuck you say!” the boy spat angrily. “I told you there’s nothing going in my hole. Never has been and never will be. Now all of you fuckers need to leave me the fuck alone and let me get dressed.” “I don’t think that’ll work, Toby” the sheriff said as he and the warden each took one of the boy’s arms and David and Sonny each took a leg, bending the boy over the large flat surface and exposing his backside. The doctor began to rub the boy’s beautiful hairy buttcheeks as the boy continued to struggle. Struggle as he might, he was no match for the men holding him down. He continued to spew curse words at the men and insulted them with every breath. “Every one of you faggot motherfuckers will be in jail when I finish with you” Toby shouted. “That’s a motherfucking promise!” “You have no control over what happens around here” the sheriff said quietly. “Your days of runnin’ the show are over and done with.” “Sonny, since you’re going to be my main man at the clinic when we open next week, I could use your help” the doctor said. “We just got a contract to do the physicals on all the employees at the Moore Meat Plant. That’s over six hundred people. I plan on having you assist me with all the males. There’s no time like the present to get started. Are you up to taking this boy’s rectal temperature?” “If you think I’m ready, I’m more than ready” the boy answered with a smile. “Okay, son, first get your rectal thermometer ready” the doctor said. Then you want to put a big old glob of lubricant on your index finger. Since this is your first time to do this, we’ll take our time. You want to make sure you get plenty of lubricant in his hole to make sure the insertion of the rectal thermometer isn’t painful. It shouldn’t be painful at all if it’s done right. Some men and boys find it embarrassing because they are exposing a very private part of their bodies and they often develop erections. But there should be no significant pain at all.’ “I remember reading that most men and boys will achieve an erection as a result of digital stimulation of the anus and prostate gland even in non-sexual settings like this one. It’s a type o involuntary response” Sonny said. “So you’re been reading that anatomy and physiology textbook I gave you last week? The doctor asked. “Yes, sir, I finished it last night” the boy answered. “It was very interesting.” “Sonny, that was a college level book I gave you” the doctor said. “That’s the textbook used for anatomy and physiology students at the college level.” “It really was interesting” the boy answered nonchalantly. “If something holds my interest I’m a pretty fast reader. Am I doing this right?” Sonny had a large glob of lubricant on his index finger and was ready to prepare Toby for insertion of the rectal thermometer. “Looks good to me” the doctor said. Sonny moved close and with one hand spreading the boy’s butt cheeks, he gently inserted his lubricated finger into the boy’s hairy pink hole. Before inserting, he rubbed the lubricant in circles around the tiny opening. “No sign of anal fistulae or other abnormalities” Sonny said. “Now take a deep breath and I’m going to insert my finger to make sure you’re properly lubricated. That said, he inserted his entire index finger into the boy all the way to the knuckle and began to rotate the finger. Toby reacted wildly, struggling to get out of the grip the men had on him. His struggles were pointless as they held him tightly, not allowing the boy to move as Sonny continued to speak softly to the boy as he inserted his finger several times and then removed it, reaching for the thermometer itself. “You goddamned motherfucking cocksucker!” Toby screamed at Sonny who appeared unrattled by the boy’s outburst and his struggles. “This is smaller than my finger and it shouldn’t hurt at all” Sonny said in his quiet voice. “That’s cause all of you are a bunch of faggots!” Toby yelled. “No telling what all of you fucking homos put in your holes! I bet you all sit around and stuff carrots and cucumbers and god knows what other shit into each other’s holes. Fuck every one of you! Even my uncle won’t approve of this. You just fucking wait and see. He’ll have every one of you fucking perverts arrested and thrown in the fucking jail.” Sonny calmly removed the thermometer and announced a slightly elevated temperature one degree above normal and recommended his temperature be monitored regularly for the next twenty four hours. He then announced the next step in the exam would be a prostate examination to determine the feel of the gland and to determine any abnormalities in size. Toby apparently didn’t know what a prostate examination involved until Sonny’s finger was again easing into his hole and palpating his most tender spot. Toby struggled violently until Sonny’s finger hit his magic spot. It seemed as if the struggling boy was surprised by the pleasant sensations he was getting from Sonny’s finger on his prostate gland and his struggling ceased. There was total silence in the room as they all realized the boy was experiencing his first prostate massage. But Sonny chose to move on, withdrawing his finger from the boy’s hole and instructing the men holding Toby down to turn the boy onto his back for further examination. That cranked young Toby up again. “It ain’t enough for you to finger rape my butthole, now you want to feel of my cock and my nuts!” Toby screamed, again struggling against the men holding him down. “Toby, you need to settle down while I finish this examination” Sonny said calmly. “What just happened to you was most certainly not rape. I know what rape is because I experienced it myself. What you are experiencing is a thorough medical examination just the same as is recommended for all prisoners at this jail. Now it’s up to you whether it is a painful, rough experience or a calm, pleasant one. The choice is yours but I won’t have you or anyone else accusing anyone of rape when it is not justified. So calm the fuck down right now down and let’s get this done.” “Fuck you!” Toby spat at Sonny. “You’re all a bunch of homos and when my uncle gets here, he’ll whip every fucking one of your asses. Even that homo won’t allow his only nephew to be molested like this. I know my fucking rights and so does my uncle. You just wait and see, you bunch of dirty faggots!” Toby was wilder than ever as the men got him onto his back. He was attempting to kick the men holding him but they easily overpowered the boy and got him onto his back, his front side now completely exposed. “I think the boy’s cock thickened up a little bit while Sonny was massaging his sweet spot” William remarked, which set off a whole stream of cursing from the restrained boy. Sonny checked the boy’s blood pressure and his respiration rate, stating both to be normal. “This boy is excessively hairy for a young man who is still in puberty” Sonny remarked, as he ran his hand through the thick, black hair in his armpits. “But there’s no evidence of excessive perspiration and no sign of body odor. He has very sparse hair on his chest and his nipples appear to be of equal size and symmetric.” Sonny then took the stethoscope and listened to his lung sounds and his abdominal sounds. “Lungs sounds are clear with no wheezing or other significant findings and normal bowel sounds are present with no evidence of hyper activity in that regard. Limbs appear of equal length and normally reflexive although I would note that patellar reflexes are not tested due to the necessity of restraining of the patient. We can defer that at this time as we have observed Toby to ambulate normally with no obvious deficits.” Sonny then did some palpations to the abdominal area and as he got his hands near the boy’s pubic region, Toby started to struggle and curse even more loudly than before. “You better not touch my fucking dick!” the boy shouted, struggling in vain against the strong men restraining him. “A thick pubic bush is noted with the patient appearing to be moving through puberty at a normal rate. He is not circumcised and his penis appears to be slightly below average size, as do his testicles, although if we judge by his body hair, it would appear there is no deficit in his production of testosterone. “You said my cock’s too small!” Toby shouted. “My cock is perfectly fine! It works just fine. I bet I’ve had more pussy with that fine Greek cock than all of you fucking pussies put together. Women in Boston fight for my cock! Other guys envy my cock and wish theirs was as big and worked as well as mine!” Sonny was now running his fingers through the thick, dark pubic hair which extended down onto the boy’s thick thighs. “He appears there is a small tattoo of a heart with the name `Sheila” inside it, mostly covered by the lush pubic hair.” “Who is Sheila?” the sheriff asked. “One of my bitches” the boy said. “She wouldn’t fuck me till I got her name tattooed on me. Then she wanted to fuck all the time. I knocked the bitch up after I fucked her four times. Cost my dad a pretty penny to get me out of that one. Her old man threatened to go to the law but my boys and me beat the shit out of him and that changed his mind. She was only in eighth grade and I can tell you her old man was really pissed that I got my big fat Greek cock in her and planted my seed. Her old man wanted me in prison for busting that sweet cherry and knocking up his precious virgin daughter but my dad wrote the checks and it went away.” “How many girls have you impregnated, Toby?” Sonny asked him. “At least three that I know of” the boy bragged. “There have probably been a whole bunch more but those are the ones my dad had to pay off to get rid of my little bastards.” “So Toby says he makes sperm which is capable of impregnating an egg” Sonny said. “I think we should obtain a semen sample to confirm that information and to ensure that things are working properly.” “What the fuck are you saying, asshole?” Toby asked angrily. “Nobody in this room touches my dick except me or some bitch if you want to find me one. I could use some pussy. I’m used to pussy pretty much every day but I’ve had nothing since I been on the road with my asshole of an uncle. But if any of you faggots think you’re touching my meat, you better think again.” “Settle down, Toby” Sonny said. “Part of your examination is an examination of your genitals so, again, you can make it easy or tough. The decision is yours.” “I thought I made it clear you are not touching my fucking junk!” “I will be examining your genitals” Sonny said calmly as he asked the men to spread the boy’s legs farther apart. “Keep your fucking hands off of me!” Toby shouted. Sonny took the boy’s nut sac in one of his hands, weighing the hairy sac carefully and pronouncing it within normal limits with no signs of tumors or other abnormalities. He then ran his hands through the lush pubic patch as the boy attempted to get free. Sonny then took the boy’s uncut penis between his thumb and index finger and slowly slid the foreskin back to reveal a very pink cockhead. The foreskin appears normal with no signs of phimosis or other abnormality as the skin moves freely and easily clearing the glans of the penis” Sonny said. “I do not see any signs of semen at this juncture so I will continue my manual manipulation of the penis.” “Get your fucking hand off me, faggot!” Toby screamed, but even as he continued to struggle and protest, his meat began to harden. “There we go” Sonny said. “If you’ll just relax we can get this done a lot faster. As Sonny moved the foreskin back and forth over the cockhead, the boy began to get a hardon. “I’m feeling a lot of friction” Sonny said. “I think putting some more lubricant on my hand might make things more comfortable and enable us to get our specimen faster.” Eamon, who had been holding down the boy’s legs, let his hand wander up one of Toby’s hairy legs and began to tease his hairy hole with his finger. As his finger teased the boy, Toby settled down, closed his eyes and began to enjoy the sensations of a slick hand on his meat and a slick finger teasing his hole. “Oh yeah, Toby, you’re doing much better now” Sonny said. “See, it was never my intention to do anything to hurt you. I told you if you’d just settle down we could get this done quickly and efficiently. This doesn’t hurt at all, does it.” “No, but you’re still a faggot!” the boy whispered. “I’ll pretend that’s some young bitch’s hand on my meat and just fucking enjoy that slippin’ and slidin” on my fat cock. I bet you like that cock don’t you, faggot? I bet you’d like to taste that fat fucking meat stick wouldn’t you? Everybody wants that fucking fat meat once they see it but only bitches get it. That meat is for bitches only.” “Looks like we have sufficient semen for our sample now” Sonny said, suddenly removing his hand from the boy’s hard, throbbing cock. “I believe we’re done now and the boy can be put into a cell.” “Wait, motherfucker!” Toby shouted angrily. “I was too fucking close. You can’t just fucking leave me hanging like that! That ain’t right and it ain’t fair! Give me that fucking lube and I’ll finish myself off. You just can’t do that to a man!” “Boy, you are flattering yourself if you call yourself a man” William said as he jerked the naked boy off the table, his dick still rock hard and leaking pre-cum. “You need to learn that we don’t pamper assholes down here in Gayberry. We don’t play by your rules. You won’t be finishing yourself off either because I’m cuffing you with your hands over your head so you can”t even get a hand even close to that meat of yours till your uncles says you can.” “Boy, I’ve met your uncle and I feel like I’m getting’ to know him” the sheriff said. “I think he’s one of the most honorable men I’ve ever met and I know that he knows what he’s doin’. He’s been breakin’ assholes like you for years and havin’ em for his fuckin’ lunch. My advice to you is that you better fuckin’ start straightenin’ up and you better fuckin’ do it fast. Sergeant Weatherly ain’t gonna be playin’ with you and if you don’t figure that shit out fast, you’ll regret it.” William led the naked boy over to the cell and put him in, hooking his handcuffs to the overhead rail in the cell. Toby had to stand on his tiptoes as the rail was high and the boy was rather on the short side. “This is too uncomfortable! My arms are already getting numb!” Toby complained. “You can’t leave me like this!” “The fuck we can’t” the sheriff chuckled as all the other men laughed at the boy’s protests and the sight of him standing there with a rock hard cock and no way to satisfy his needs. “We have an old sayin’ around here and I guess it’s pretty fittin’ for your situation. Tough titty said the kitty but the milk’s still good.” All the men were laughing hilariously as the boy was left high and dry, his cock rock hard and no way to do anything about it.

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