A Day with Sir Pt 1

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A Day with Sir Pt 1Its been two weeks since Sir has let me cum, i am not allowed to cum, unless he gives me permission, but i hadn’t seen him either. The first few days after he has gone, i can cope with, just, but then it starts getting hard. All i want is to be back in his arms pleasing him the way only his pet can do.Yesterday he told me he was coming to see me, to fuck his pet, i was so pleased, the last few days have been so hard, trying not to play with his pussy, yes, his pussy, he owns it, mind, body and soul and i wouldn’t want it any other way.I woke up this morning, early, too early, i knew it was going to be a few hours before bayraklı escort i saw him, his pussy was wet from the minute i opened my eyes, with every movement i made i could feel his pussy wet, juices oozing out of his cunt.I tried to keep busy, when all i wanted to do, was spread my legs, plunge my fingers into his pussy and make myself cum, but i knew if i did that, he would know, and then i would be punished. I love being punished, but his punishment would far outway the pleasure i knew i would be getting later that day.He told me what time he was leaving, i started to get things ready, i got out all the toys and laid escort bayraklı them out on the side ready, i opened his wine, to let it breathe, i bathed, shaved his pussy, to make it nice and smooth. I had asked him what he wanted his pet to wear, he picked the same outfit i had in my mind, but i waited for his approval. I dressed carefully, corset, stockings, heels, all the time his pussy was soaking in anticipation for when Sir finally arrived and gave his pet her release. Not long to go, but long enough, i knew i wouldn’t be able to last long when he got here, we had already discussed what he wanted us to do, that made it bayraklı escort bayan harder as i knew what to expect, i could feel the excitement building up in me and in his cunt, i was counting down the hours and minutes. Finally, he called, to tell me he would be here very shortly, his pussy reacted by oozing more juices down my legs, he has so much control over his pussy, that i have never experienced before, butterflies in my stomach, my heart beating faster, i love it when Sir visits, i feel complete, and i love giving him the pleasure only a loyal pet can give. I pour the wine and put it on the side, in his usual spot, i glance around and make sure i haven’t forgotten anything, toys, rope, oil and the cane. I was anticipating the cane first as i had spoken out of turn earlier that day, so i believed a few lashes were in order first. Then, at last he walked through the door.

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