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Karada NightWritten on 07-01-2015Hello !Fun night …So, 21h15, naked, I make the harness (karada mode). I’ve already make it, so I know the good rope to. A 10m white 6mm coton rope. Before I put the balls in. Next, the harness, I pass the rope between my lips, and make the only one knot on my back. It’s tight, but not too.I put on the swimsuit. I have to arrange some ropes to be hidden (the suit has a high legs cut). All ropes are hidden. When I want tu put the egg, I have a pb with the ropes. So I pass the ropes on the sides of my pussy. This make a more bulge. So the egg take his place on my clit, maintain by the suit. The egg is very noticeable.The skirt, only scratch with the velcro, and socks and shoes (again sport choes, to get a sporty look, and allow me to run if necessary … almost naked, in bondage, by night in town is not the very secure situation …)With the very hot weather, I take no top.Put in my bag : the dildo, the remote, my key, and money.I take my phone (with my playlist), and put on the ear plugs. I start the music, and slide my phone on my swimsuit by the right legs, and stick it with the rope. Too bad. The ears plug wire hand up from my head … So I decided to pass it on the swimsuit. Some contorsion later, the wire is hidden, and goes by the neck. Now, I’m ready to go.So I go out, close my door, and go to stairs to make the first edge … To be horny for the walk. I edge karabük escort rubbing my pussy and clit (replace the egg after). I’m very wet, and horny to go out.No one in my street, so I can walk. I walk fast, and stop at each corner to see before going. I’m in horny spy mode … LOL …In my street and some around, there is nobody. But walking on the center, there are bars and more activity.The black swimsuit and his hight neck is not too noticeable as a swimsuit. So no bad look. But all people starring at my can’t ignore the ropes.So I walk more speed, looking down, balls exciting my pussy, and I think my face is all red.Btw, the light are low, so in my full back dressing, I’m not too noticeable.I manage to traverse the center, chosing not too busy streets. I come quickly to the swimming pool. By this time, there is nobody here, and I know some hidden place here. So I make my second edge. No one see, so no vibe. Only my hand. The suit crotch is already wet, and I’m so excited … the edge come very fast.I breathe 5 min here. Next, I think I can try to get an edge on busy street …. re breathe 5 min to mature the idea.I am thirsty (assoiffée ?).So I return to busy center. I know a little snack direct on street, wich sale fresh beverage, open very late. I go to this place. Some people here, and more lights. with the music I can’t hear people but I’m in paranoid mode (I try to not escort karabük always turn my head to see around).There is no people on the stand, only the employee. I’m feel not confortable when I go in front of him. Don’t remove my hears, I order an oasis. He stare at me and go find the can in the fridge. I take it 2€. He search the money. By this time I place my hand in my bag, and when he look at me to give me the money, I start the vibe. A shock run all my body. Need 2-3 seconds to recover my mind, take the money, thanks him, and go fast. He say nothing, but he notice the rope, and maybe the buzzing egg …I run to an empty street, stop the vibe just before I cum, and cool down. I roll the fresh can all over my body, and drink it a little.very amazing.So I walk low now. Balls are intense when I run. It’s time to send a sms to my friend. I go to the town hall place, find a hidden place, and take my phone. I send : “Tu veux voir un truc cool, retrouve moi tout de suite place de la mairie”.The town hall place has not too busy by night, but near the center, and with a park just in face.1 minute later she respond with : “je suis en route”.So I have to wait she arrive. 3 minutes later she arrived. I put off my hears, and we talk a little.She was interrested by the ropes. So she tell me to remove the skirt to see the whole harness. I remove the skirt and she get it. So I’m only in swimsuit karabük escort bayan and rope harness.She sees the egg, smile and get the remote …She propose to walk a little. We walk in the park. Not too many people here. But some which stare at me.We talk, and she play with the vibe … difficult to concentrate, and some shocks in my body. I’m quickly on edge, and she play with my edge … then she stop. I cool down a little. I ask her if I can put on my skirt … I’m nervous and very exposed. She is OK with this as we walk to a busy street.Then she ask me when was the 4 minutes run yesterday. I tell her the balls are intense when I run, but it’s cool.So we are near his home. She tell me “more hard game” … Yesterday I’ve manage on 3m20 so today, I have 3 minutes to go home. We are out so I’ve not to down his stairs and about 3 street more near to my home. I look her with big eyes. And she tell : more fun now. She get her phone, prepare the stopwatch. When she is ready, she run the vibe, put the remote in the back of my suit so I can’t grab it. Tell me not cum, I must remove egg if to near of cumming, and launch the timer.On the move to go, I turn, and she grab my skirt, so I run, in only my swimsuit … Starting, she cries me to put on my hears. I manage to put hears running …Running, with balls and vibe is hard to manage … between sensations and concentration on the road … I’m on edge almost all time.When I arrive to my building, I slow, so the vibe effect is more intense. I must remove it before go on stairs If I wan’t cum. I go up, open the door, put out the phone and call her.2m50 this time …I love this dare. Lot of sensations.
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